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Monday, September 18, 2006

Antenna work

Antenna work
Antenna work,
originally uploaded by Hotash.
Hi Koreen

I am honored that you wish to use a photo of mine. . .
I'lll send you an email shortly. Is your website online yet?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The 2006 Redwood Empire Fair - Winners

The 2006 Winners
The 2006 Winners,
originally uploaded by Hotash.
Oh yeah-and the winners are. . .

I'm rich-I made $17.00
"Best of Show"

Softly Yellow

Softly yellow
Softly yellow,
originally uploaded by Hotash.
I should be doing homework. . .

I decided I would start this blog back up again. I'm not sure what I want to do other than journal a bit and use this as an excuse to learn more about web page development. We'll see.

I see I have some comments I need to address-I'll get on that here shortly. . .

Bonanzle!!! with me & my daddy

"James" by Ysabella Brave